Getin’ back to where it all began = priceless

Timing = evening + Getin’ back to where it all began = priceless

Alas i was encapsulated in a moment of blissfulness when i finally spoke to u yesterday but i was at a lost for words…was i dreaming?? cos i seriously didn’t know how to react…n i had already pluckered up all my courage to begin with. Hope to see u again n Happy Belated Birthday Julian..wanted to said many things to u but clearly my mind went blank 😛 not sure if am correct but do take care of ur sunburned at the back of ur neck…really wan u to be happy cos nothing is more important than doing the things u like..take care

No reasons needed to fancy someone

^^  i just adore you Julian Hee

~ by perfectcut on August 6, 2008.

One Response to “Getin’ back to where it all began = priceless”

  1. cool another person wit the same name COOOL

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